For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. – 2 Corinthians 10:12 (NKJV).
Lord am I on the right track? Am I doing what you want me to do? Does what I am doing even make sense anymore?
Have you ever asked yourself any of these? I don’t know about you but sometimes even till this day I still find myself asking these questions.
I remember there was a particular morning where I began to question some decisions I made. I wondered if I was even doing the right thing anymore.
But then I asked myself, why am I having these thoughts?
As I began to unpack this in the presence of God, I realized that one of the main reasons why was because of comparison.
Yes, the comparison we all know and we hear about so much; the fact that it is the thief of joy and doesn’t do any of us any good.
But even though we know comparison isn’t good, it is so easy to naturally slip into comparing ourselves with others whether it be on social media or just people around us in general.
We like to believe that we are content and fine with where we are but when that place you are in doesn’t seem to be working as well as you want right now, it can easily make you question:
- Whether you are on the right track
- Whether you should be doing something else that you saw another person do just because it seems to be working for them.
In my case, I started to look at what God had told me to work in as not good enough compared to brother X and sister Y.
Is that you? Thinking that what you have been given doesn’t measure up to what you believe is flamboyant enough or good enough to even get you to where you want to be?
But like today’s bible verse teaches us, comparing ourselves among ourselves is not a wise thing to do. Though the context in which the verse was used was different, I believe the principle still applies. The only person we should be looking to be and follow is Jesus.
Jesus said that He only did what He saw His Father do (John 5:19). For me this speaks to intimacy and being willing to even do things that haven’t been seen before just to walk in the purposes of God for one’s life.
So dear introvert as you pursue God’s purpose for your life, don’t make the mistake of comparing what you are doing to others because it robs you of the ability to thrive in the field God has called you to.
Don’t let comparison make you question if you are on the right track. Everyone’s path is different and will certainly not look the same. As you walk this purpose journey out, refrain from looking to the right or to the left, but instead look ahead.
Look unto the One who goes ahead of you and is able to make every crooked path straight.
Look unto the One who this all started with and who this all will end with, Jesus.
The grass is not greener on the other side, it is greener where you water it. Remain faithful. Keep on going and God will reward you.
I have created a free downloadable prayer against comparison along with accompanying bible verses to help you in your time with the Lord.
Feel free to download it for free below if you think it would help you as you continue this step to walking in your true purpose in God.
Download free resource: A prayer against comparison (with accompanying bible verses)
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