Table of Contents
“Why am I struggling” Why do I seem to take one step forward and then two steps back? “Why is it that everything I try to build ends up falling back down” “What am I doing wrong?”.
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions before? You feel you are doing everything right but still, nothing. You can’t seem to find a path that suits you.
But what if the right path is right in front of you but you just can’t see it?
How? I’ll tell you…
So, for a long time I saw myself as someone that needed to be “fixed”. I felt like who I was wasn’t good enough to achieve the type of success I was seeing other people have.
So, I adopted a different approach, I tried to be like other people. I wanted to do things the way that worked for them and completely ignored taking the time to assess how I was designed and the unique way God wanted me to show up in the world.
Can you relate?
Along the way of trying to walk on other people’s paths and doing what worked for them, I found myself miserable and unhappy. This couldn’t have been the path for me. They just didn’t suit.
I knew there had to be another way.
Can you start to see where I am going with this?
The Truth about the Comfort Zone
We always talk about coming out of your comfort zone which I am all for but what if our comfort zones looked different? What if coming out of my comfort zone looks different to my neighbor?
Everyone has their own race to run and I see that race a bit like I see our comfort zone.
The more we progress along our own lane, the more we come out of our comfort zones to be all of who God created us to be.
But what if we spend more time in someone else’s lane by choosing to adopt what they call coming out of their comfort zone?
That would mean running in someone else’s lane.
That would mean running someone else’s race.
I got to the point where I was just tired of always trying to be like everyone else but myself. I was tired of being frustrated and going around in circles struggling to stick to a path simply because I did not honor the path unique to me in the first place.
What if I told you that the reason you are struggling to stick to a path, being tossed to and fro, and not happy, could be because you are doing things under a false identity?
Have you been running someone else’s race?
We need to get back to truly knowing and embracing ourselves in God because when we do, the right path for us becomes clearer.
So what do you do now?
3 things you must do to find your true path in life
Well, here are 3 ways for you to begin the journey of truly living out your true identity as God made you and completely detach from who you have been pretending to be as influenced by society and culture.
These will help you to finally find your true path in life:
Get in the Word and His presence
When we are lost, forget who we are and start to operate against our own selves, the key to getting back on track is to acknowledge God and let Him lead us. We cannot lean on our own understanding. We need Him to direct us and remind us of who we are.
This takes place when we immerse ourselves in the Word of God and soak in His presence. There is something about the presence of God that brings you back to alignment.
His presence breaks away anything that is not of Him from you. His Word filters away the lies and gets you back to the truth. Let Him remind you of who you are and what He has uniquely designed for you to do. Don’t be led by man, be led by God.
Create time for God in your life.
Audit the voices and Clear out the noise
The voices we listen to have a huge effect on how we view ourselves and the decisions we make. Here, you need to do an in-depth audit of who you listen to especially in this day and age where there is so much content everywhere.
We were never designed to receive so much information, content and people’s opinions at one given time, that’s too much.
I am reminded of the bible verse that talks about, to whom much is given much is required (Luke 12:48). Now this bible verse is not necessarily talking about this topic but I believe the same principle applies here.
If God has blessed us to be able to have access to life-changing information so easily, I believe He would also require us to take the responsibility and filter out the “junk” too.
Even the things that sound good may not be good for you because in the words of Apostle Paul, everything is permissible for you but not everything is beneficial (1 Cor 6:12).
Once you recognize what is not good for you, clear it out, get rid of it, unsubscribe, unfollow, mute, delete, block whatever it is the Lord leads you to do, do it because in the long run you will be better for it.
This allows you to hear God more. It creates space to identify which path God is actually leading YOU on. A path can only be seen when the way has been decluttered. Declutter your ears and your eyes so you can see and hear more clearly.
Embrace your introversion
What if the mystery behind the path God has ordained for you could be solved by taking a real good look at the characteristics and tendencies He has given you?
That would mean that you have to learn about yourself and grow to love who God has created you to be (flaws and all) otherwise you will keep trying to walk out a path that was never meant for you in the first place.
Take the time to recognize and celebrate your introversion. Tap into your introverted strengths. This could be as simple as learning about the traits you possess as an introvert that make you valuable to society.
I recommend reading the book “The Powerful Purpose of Introverts” by Holley Gerth as it has been helping me see the strengths I possess as an introvert. It has led me to start celebrating the uniqueness I bring to the world.
I also now aim to tap into my introverted strengths more often. I don’t see my weaknesses as the reason I cannot do something but I instead choose to see my strengths as the reason why I can thrive in something and God will make up for the rest because at the end of the day, it is a partnership.
I choose to use my strengths and partner with God who gives me grace even in my weaknesses. In this partnership, amazing things can happen! Because like Mia Brox from says, Quiet people can do amazing things.
The Round-up
It is only when we take the time to spend time with God, clear the noise around us, and actually embrace our introversion that we can truly begin that journey to finding our true path in life.
If you need some additional 1-1 support, guidance and accountability, book a free 15 minute session with me so I can help you on your thriving introvertly journey. Sessions can be via phone, video or simply by text, whichever feels comfortable for you.
Until the next post,
Stay Blessed.