December 1, 2022

Entry #2: Bringing the old me into a new place

It has been quite a while since I decided to relocate to another country; a decision I made based on what I felt I wanted to achieve in life and how the place I currently was just did not seem like the right place anymore.

But was it the right decision?

When I think about it from an aspect of Thriving Introvertly (growing and evolving to become all of who God created me to be), then most certainly.

I believe God wanted to use it to stretch me. I believe He wanted to use it to birth something in me and through me that could only come out when I gave up comfortability.

But what happens when the introvert in you is still trying to keep you “safe” even in a new place?

What if a place that God wanted to use to stretch me, became a place where I allowed a large part of my introvert tendencies to keep me from being stretched that far?


God leads but does not force

We have to remember that although God can lead us into a place and reveal certain things to us, He is not going to force us to do anything; it’s the gift of free will that He has given to us all.

Of course, He can use things to try to get you to move in the right direction but if you still refuse and are not obedient, He is not going to force you.

A prime example of this were some of the decisions I made once I finally did move country to pursue the greater that I felt was in me.


Not a city girl but wanted city benefits

As an introvert I do not like large cities, the hustle and bustle or the noise lol. I like my peace and quiet.

I was so happy that God provided a place for me to live that ticked those boxes. The only issue was that it was quite far away from city benefits.

See I am not a city girl, but I did want city benefits e.g. being close to shops, being close to other people that I can grow a Godly community with etc.

But, everywhere I tried to go often required multiple forms of transport and it got to the point where the introvert in me was not really enjoying any of that.

I thought to myself “why does it take that much effort?”.


It was time for me to push harder!

In the place that God wanted to use to stretch me a little, my default settings as an introvert were trying to keep me “safe”.

Then I realized that God was trying to develop a muscle in me. The muscle of having to push a bit harder than usual to be able to get things that I needed.

Don’t get me wrong, I had always been accustomed to pushing myself a bit sometimes. But the issue was the reluctance that would creep up every single time.

The reluctance to travel, to meet new people, leave my comfort zone etc. 

Sometimes, that reluctance won.

Imagine!… I had moved country to give up comfortability only to create another comfort zone for myself lol 

In fairness to myself, I had been trying but my trying efforts were not consistent.


I had been here before

It’s almost as if God brought me back to a place I had been before in the past. A similar dilemma I had faced before; do I go the extra mile to get what I need or sit back and just do enough to get by?

But who ever truly fulfils their full potential by just doing the minimum to get by?

For me to be what He wanted me to be in this season, I needed to be more comfortable going that extra mile more regularly because His grace is sufficient.


The grace of God is sufficient

Now I am not an advocate for working yourself to the ground because I believe REST is important.

But I could not let that introvert voice in me saying stuff like “that’s going to be too draining, let me just stay at home” or “I am not really great at speaking with new people” keep winning.

If I did not want to be in the city then I had to be willing to push myself a little bit more to claim the benefits of being in a more vibrant city. In this case, I had to choose my sacrifice so I could be who God wanted me to be and learn what He wants me to learn in this season.

Who knows I may end up moving into the city. Only time will tell. But in the meantime, I realize that it is time for me to push just a bit harder. Not in my own strength, but with God’s strength working in me.


How does all this apply to you?

I don’t know what God may want to do in your life.

I don’t know who He is calling you to become in this season.

But whatever it is, it is going to require for you to not let the not-so-great introvert tendencies you have to keep you too comfortable.

You cannot take the old you into the new things God wants to do in your life. Sometimes, it may require for you to go that extra mile.

You cannot remain in a secluded place and not try to get into the field where the action is.

That does you a disservice.

How will you learn? How will you develop? How will you grow?


Taking a step to move into what God has for you.

Sometimes God won’t bring the things you need to you, He wants you to take your feet and go to the place where He has already made it available.

But if you won’t leave your house, then Chilllleeeeeee (like Sarah Jakes Roberts would say lol), you are making things way more difficult than it has to be.

Stop waiting on manna from Heaven when this is the season where God is calling you to go into the field and possess what is yours.



I know it’s not easy, trust me I know. There are times where I just look at some things that I know I should be doing and places I know I should be going, and I am just like “Do I really have to?”

But start small. Let’s start small together and build that muscle. I will update you as I go along.

Perhaps the next diary entry I will share one area that I am building this muscle in.

But that is it for this diary entry.

Make sure to subscribe HERE to join the community so you never miss an entry!


Until the next time,


Stay Blessed,





2 Responses

  1. “What if a place that God wanted to use to stretch me, became a place where I allowed a large part of my introvert tendencies to keep me from being stretched that far?”

    I’m absolutely rolling my eyes at you and maybe God a little too. UGH! 🤦🏽‍♀️ This does not feel good at all and it’s so scary but once again I have to lean on Him and not on me.


    1. I feel you on that. We are all on a journey and obedience isn’t always easy. I pray that God continues to gives us the strength and ability to push past the fear and lean on him entirely 🙏🏾

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Thriving Introvertly

Helping you to THRIVE as an introvert in every aspect of life as God intended. 


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