Energy is a precious commodity, one that often feels like it is consistently in limited supply for an introvert.
I know that for me there are times where I am so full of energy, willing to listen and ready to help to solve everyone’s problems and there are other times where I feel so drained that even the sound of someone watching a video on YouTube feels like it is literally sucking the very last bit of energy I have.
During those moments I just craved for everything to be quiet. I just wanted peace and quiet.
Like many other introverts, I have often wondered, how can someone like me who seems to get drained quite easily be able to do all these things that God is calling me to do?
There are things that God may be calling you to do and that He has laid on your heart, but the question still always remains, in whose capacity? You might think to yourself, where am I going to get the energy to take this on? How will I manage? How will I cope?
There are two parts to this answer.
One is knowing and believing that anything God has called us to do, He has also given us the capacity to do it. But the problem is when that capacity He has given us is filled with things that are not part His plan for us.

We spend so much of the capacity and energy given to us towards things that eat away at our energy without producing anything tangible. We end up working hard and expending so much energy with no fruit to show for it.
Everything is so loud out there. There is so much content. So much information. So many new things are cropping up everywhere.
When we allow ourselves to be so absorbed with these things we end up not having room for the very things we are meant to have room for. Do not be consumed by all things to the point where you are too worn out to do the very things God wants you to do.
So, in knowing all this, we have a responsibility in budgeting our energy wisely. When you have a vision for what God wants you to do and know exactly what is needed and not needed for that journey, make sure to spend your energy on things that are needed for that vision.
Do not carry excess luggage because if you do, that will certainly weigh you down, and negatively impact your ability and likelihood of arriving at your destination safely if at all.
The second part of this answer is based on following the principles that Jesus lived by while He was on earth. These are the 4 things to do to spend your energy wisely as an introvert:

- Withdraw and pray often
Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer and solitude, away from the crowds (Luke 5:16). This counter-cultural habit is key in producing strength and sustaining longevity in the things God has called you to do.
The more time you spend in the presence of God, the more He can fill you with all you need to keep on going.
This does not only include being strengthened by Him, but I believe that what God can also do is give you enlightenment and wisdom in your strategy to the point where He will reveal that there are certain things you have on your to-do list that are just not necessary at all.
When I spend time with God at the beginning of the day, I realize just how important it is for me not only to receive the capacity I need but the wisdom I need in deciding what deserves my energy in the new day.
These things can only be developed when you intentionally step away from the crowd often and spend time with God. - Do things in accordance with God’s timing and avoid distractions
Jesus had such a deep knowing of ‘His time’. We see this when Jesus said to His earthly mother when she had asked if He could turn water to wine. His response was “My hour has not yet come”. (John 2:4).
Similarly, when He was told by His brothers to make a grand appearance in the midst of the crowds at the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles, His response was “My time is not yet here; for you any time will do” (John 7:6).
This speaks to not only the specificity to which Jesus knew what He should and should not be doing but also the timing of it.
There is no point expending unnecessary energy doing things out of season nor is there any point doing things just for the sake of it to meet the demands and expectations of others.
You avoid being drained so quickly when you focus on the vision ahead and stay within the constraints of God’s perfect timing. - Choose your battles and stay true to the call
In Luke 9:51–56, We see Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem and sent His messengers ahead to the Samaritan village to get things ready for Him. However, the people did not welcome Him.
When the disciples James and John asked “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?”, Jesus rebuked them. So they went to another village instead.
I believe that one of the messages that can be learnt from this is that it is not every time that someone opposes you that you must fight back.
We introverts tend to not really be as confrontational anyway but there are other ways we could try to fight back at people who may have rejected us.
We could end up engaging in activities that significantly drain us just to prove a point. Jesus came so that people would be saved. That was His mission, that was His call, and He did not want that they would burn.
We too should not operate in a manner that negates the purpose of your call no matter how provoking it may be. If people reject you, as difficult as it can be, pray for them and peacefully move on.
Focus on your path. Don’t expend unnecessary energy fighting a battle that means you defeat the very purpose of your call as an introvert. - Equip and lean on others
Many times we feel drained because we are so focused on doing everything ourselves. I have been there. We are quite independent as introverts which can be a great quality but has its downside too.
We carry the weight of all the things we believe God is calling us to do on our shoulders alone with no one to share the load.
Jesus Himself called 12 disciples to follow Him. It was these same disciples that He sent out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick (Luke 9:1–2).
I believe Jesus was trying to show us something here. We are not meant to carry the weight of our call alone. There are people God has assigned to help us.
Never feel like you must do all things by yourself. If you need to teach others so they can help you, then do that.
Remember, this is not about you but about God, His glory, His will and what He wants to do on earth. Do not let your tendency to want to go about things as a lone ranger jeopardize what God can do through you with the help of others.

So next time you feel drained as an introvert and worry that the things God has laid on your heart to do may require so much more from you and you do not believe you have the capacity, remember these things:
- The capacity is there but sometimes you must create space for it to show
- Jesus laid out principles for you to follow that makes it possible for you to do it
These will help you to budget your energy and ensure you are able to walk in the capacity given to you to do and be all God wants for you.
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Until the next post,
Stay Blessed,